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  Function            EMSGetStatus - get Expanded Memory status

  Syntax              byte EMSGetStatus(void);

  Prototype in        ibm.h

  Remarks             EMSGetStatus tests whether the expanded memory
                      hardware is functional. This function should only
                      be made after it has been established that EMS is
                      available and the EMM is ready (via isEMSavail()).
                      This is not a substitute to determine if EMS is

  Return value        returns the EMM error code. If zero is returned,
                      the function is successful. If any other value is
                      returned, an error has occurred.

  Note                this function is available under EMM 3.2 specs.

  See also            ibm.h
                      EMMversion(), EMSinfo(), EMSpages(),
                      EMSwarmbootprep(), isEMSavail()

See Also: EMMversion() EMSinfo() EMSpages() EMSwarmbootprep() isEMSavail()
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